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Set up your EGG for direct rotisserie cooking, with the Rotisserie ring in place and the motor unit plugged in. Your target temperature is 240°C.
Cut the picanha into three or four thick steaks of roughly equal thickness, making sure you’re cutting along the grain of the meat, not against it. (They’ll never be completely even, as the starting shape is roughly triangular).
Remove the top fork from the spit. One by one, push each steak onto the spit by piercing through the fat-covered side then folding the meat slightly so you can push back out through the fat on the other side. The steaks will end up curving over the top of the spit, fat-side up. Return the top fork to the spit and push it into the end steak. Tighten both wing screws.

Once the target temperature has been reached, open the Dome, insert the spit into the motor and switch on the Rotisserie. As the spit turns, season the meat. Close the Dome and cook the steak until it reaches an internal temperature of 40°C.

Meanwhile, mix all the glaze ingredients together in a bowl. When the picanha hits 40°C, open the Dome and begin brushing the glaze onto the meat as it turns. Continue regularly basting the steak until the internal temperature reaches 48°C.
Remove the steaks from the spit and leave to rest for a good 10 minutes. Mix the chilli salt ingredients together. Once the meat is rested, slice against the grain, season with chilli salt and serve with grilled cabbage and flatbreads.