By Big Green Egg

Creating a Sourdough Levain starter takes a little while, but it's pretty easy and so worth the effort!

Some starters in restaurants and bakeries have been around for years. Some are known to be more than 100 years old. This recipe creates an amazingly malty, deep flavour for a fantastic base for any dough, loaf or pizza.


DAY 1-2

You'll need: * 400g Strong Bread Flour * 500ml water at 25˚C

Mix together the flour and water to form a smooth paste. Place this in a large glass bowl and cover with a tea towel.

In warmer months it's best to place this outside, to allow oxygen to attack the starter and begin the process. If it's colder, place it in your warmest room near a slightly open window. In both cases, ensure the starter is out of direct sunlight.

On the second day, bubbles should begin to appear. Beat these in, then leave for a further 24 hours.

Days 3–4

You'll need: * 400g Strong Bread Flour * 400ml water at 25˚C

Add 200ml water at 25°C to the starter and mix well. Now add 200g strong bread flour and mix well. Leave for 24 hours and repeat the process again.

Days 5–6

You'll need: * 400g Strong Bread Flour * 400ml water at 25˚C

Remove half of your starter (always weigh it!). Add 200ml water at 25°C to the starter and mix well. Now add 200g strong bread flour and mix well. Leave for 24 hours and repeat the process again.

Day 7 and ongoing feeds

You'll need: * 100g Strong Bread Flour * 100ml water at 25˚C

From now on you'll always need to remove half your starter before feeding it. Replace what you've removed with half strong bread flour and half water at 25°C, to bring your starter back up to original weight (i.e. if you remove 200g of starter, you'll replace it with 100g strong bread flour and 100ml of 25°C water).

You can increase the size of your starter by just weighing the total amount and doubling it with half bread flour and half water.

You must feed your starter a minimum of 8 hours before using (night before).

A starter should be kept in the fridge in a container, ideally with an air hole. It can be fed once a week to keep it alive.

Once it's ready, you can make the most amazing Sourdough Loaf, plus lots more besides!

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