Reverse sear picanha
By Big Green Egg

  • Reverse sear
  • Beef
  • Grill


So what’s a reverse sear? Unlike most recipes, this technique gets you to slowly roast the meat first and then sear the outside at a higher heat. It’s a technique that is perfectly suited to your EGG, which is easier to heat up than cool down. It also guarantees a perfect cook, rare all the way through, but beautifully caramelised on the outside.

Set up your EGG

Set up your EGG for indirect cooking with the ConvEGGtor in the legs up position and the Stainless Steel Grid on top. Your target temperature is 110°C.

Roast your picanha

Mix all the rub ingredients together. Using a sharp knife, score the fat cap of the picanha and coat with 3 or 4 tablespoons of the rub. Set the rest aside for another time.

Once your EGG is up to temperature, place the picanha onto the Stainless Steel Grid. We would recommend using the EGG Genius to manage and measure the temperature of your picanha from your phone!

Take the picanha off the EGG when the internal temperature is 5°C below your final target:

Rare: 45°C Medium rare: 49°C Medium: 57°C Medium well: 65°C Well done: 70°C

Wrap the picanha in foil and set aside to rest.

reverse sear picanha

Sear your picanha

Switch to direct cooking by removing the ConvEGGtor and adding a Cast Iron Searing Grid. Raise the temperature to 250˚C-300°C.

When the EGG is up to temperature, unwrap your picanha and sear for no longer than 2 minutes per side.

Now rest your steak in foil for 15 minutes.

Slice thin strips of the picanha and serve with a little horseradish sauce.